Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Life is not simple...rather its difficult when???
CCD ( cafe coffee day ) is a good place to hang around if your pocket is little heavy..... me and my friend were having good discussion on our professional and personal life.... and she said one line "today we are sitting here and talking very nicely , may be tomorrow you or me may say 'get lost ' to each other , what will you do ??" i mean she has a valid point........ we usually become addicted of somebody's company that we sometimes forget that everything is not permanent...... i know don't know what we actually miss about to whom which we have lost or gonna loose?? ......... but in my opinion ...rather than missing the person we miss the idea of him/her....or if i have to rephrase it...its like we miss the good moments which we spent with him\her\them.....its quite difficult to forget someone (in case you were attached emotionally) but we must understand this is the part of the life....people come and go...... but we can not stop for anyone...i mean goes on...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Singleton class concept in OO abap
Some times we have requirement that class can be instantiated only once or if i rephrase it , it will be we don't want that anybody else can create the object of the class if i have already created one and how can we achieve this functionality?? Please check below :
- First goto SE24 and create a class with instantiation as PRIVATE.
- Now create a constructor visibility as PRIVATE so that nobody can create instantiate the class.
- Now create a STATIC and public method GET_INSTANCE and write the below code .
- We created above method as static so that we need not to instantiate the class as static method can be directly called from class reference.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Over Expectation...what is this?
This is blog which is basically on very serious issue but will try to make it funny :)
Story starts from when my dear friend manikant falls in love with a girl , who is unfortunately his one of the best friends (don't know why we say one of the best friends because i can afford only 1 the best friend ).Honestly speaking when i see them, a hindi phrase crosses my mind "Kwua chala haans ki chaal". Both are hanging around , enjoying each others company as a friend and going for movies but as usual boys falls in love faster than girls or we can put this way boys sexual hormones excite them faster than girls..haha..jokes apart. Mani starts thinking he got the right girl with whom he can spend his whole life ...may be my friend is a vegy and doesn't like eat outside :) .....finally the judgement day came and my friend delivered his heart out in front of my opinion she should have slapped him and should have said "go and look out your face into the mirror" but the verdict was bit diplomatic and political and verdict was saying "Its not in my hand , i can not decide my fate...and i don't have any feelings for you" is bit emotional but i don't understand from where this much diplomacy comes into girls mind and why they always wants to keep their options open...but my poor friend had no other option other than noding his head of giving acceptance that he understands the situation like a caged lion in the zoo follows his master's instructions.....that was the other thing that he was boiling on 300 c poor friend decided to make thing normal like lion has promised to eat bread :)...he was texting her , trying to make her happy as he was in real love but he was ignoring the fact that he is becoming obsessed of her.....and because of this obsession he started expecting something from her and start doing silly things...but she did not like the fact as she wanted some space for herself and hate illogical things or if i have to say their relation(not sure) was becoming very complicated. Both were ambitious and free day she call mr. mani...said that because of your over expectation now we are not jelling well....and you must change this habbit...... he tried to convince her and said many things but all were in vain....may be she was right , i mean she was absolutely right but one thing was not right that my poor friend called me and he was crying like anything.....he said now a days he is thinking 10 times before saying anything next to her and he loved her so much that he went so low on his dignity level .....but vise versa isn't there , she is very logical and practical........................i don't know what is going to happen but as far as i know my friend one day he will quit , he will start running from people because he will be scared of love and truely as i know him ..he is not right person for love... he doesn't like complicated things and terms are real complicated apart from the girl is absolutely right from her perspective....... in my opinion they should get apart if they need to put extra effort to make things running....if there was anything between them ...they will again come close otherwise they will live their lives peacefully ......hope for the best whats gonna happen.................may god bless both of them
Story starts from when my dear friend manikant falls in love with a girl , who is unfortunately his one of the best friends (don't know why we say one of the best friends because i can afford only 1 the best friend ).Honestly speaking when i see them, a hindi phrase crosses my mind "Kwua chala haans ki chaal". Both are hanging around , enjoying each others company as a friend and going for movies but as usual boys falls in love faster than girls or we can put this way boys sexual hormones excite them faster than girls..haha..jokes apart. Mani starts thinking he got the right girl with whom he can spend his whole life ...may be my friend is a vegy and doesn't like eat outside :) .....finally the judgement day came and my friend delivered his heart out in front of my opinion she should have slapped him and should have said "go and look out your face into the mirror" but the verdict was bit diplomatic and political and verdict was saying "Its not in my hand , i can not decide my fate...and i don't have any feelings for you" is bit emotional but i don't understand from where this much diplomacy comes into girls mind and why they always wants to keep their options open...but my poor friend had no other option other than noding his head of giving acceptance that he understands the situation like a caged lion in the zoo follows his master's instructions.....that was the other thing that he was boiling on 300 c poor friend decided to make thing normal like lion has promised to eat bread :)...he was texting her , trying to make her happy as he was in real love but he was ignoring the fact that he is becoming obsessed of her.....and because of this obsession he started expecting something from her and start doing silly things...but she did not like the fact as she wanted some space for herself and hate illogical things or if i have to say their relation(not sure) was becoming very complicated. Both were ambitious and free day she call mr. mani...said that because of your over expectation now we are not jelling well....and you must change this habbit...... he tried to convince her and said many things but all were in vain....may be she was right , i mean she was absolutely right but one thing was not right that my poor friend called me and he was crying like anything.....he said now a days he is thinking 10 times before saying anything next to her and he loved her so much that he went so low on his dignity level .....but vise versa isn't there , she is very logical and practical........................i don't know what is going to happen but as far as i know my friend one day he will quit , he will start running from people because he will be scared of love and truely as i know him ..he is not right person for love... he doesn't like complicated things and terms are real complicated apart from the girl is absolutely right from her perspective....... in my opinion they should get apart if they need to put extra effort to make things running....if there was anything between them ...they will again come close otherwise they will live their lives peacefully ......hope for the best whats gonna happen.................may god bless both of them
Life is tough!!!
Life is tough , that is given,
when you stand up , you gonna be shove back down,
When you are down , you gonna be stepped on,
The advice to you doesn't come with lots of builds and whistles,
Its no secret,
You fall down , you stumbled ,
You get pushed , you land square on your face,
But every time that happens , you get back on your feet,
You just get up as faster as you can,
No matter how many times , you need to do it,
Remember this ,
Success has been in contagious to be defined,
as getting up one more time , when you bare knock down,
if experience taught me anything , nothing is free and live in easy,
life is hard , real hard , incredibly hard, you fail more often than you win,
Nobody is handing you anything ,
Its up to you , pump up your chest , stretch your neck and over come all the difficulties ,
the nasty , the mean , the unfair.
if you want more than what you have now!!
prove it ,
You wanna hear the best theory is , get out there and earn it,
Once you decide that , you wanna be there and won't stop pushing yourself until you get that,
That's how winners are made.
At the end of the day ,
Success is what we all want ,
We all wanna win and the race will be won ,
There is no question about that,
So come on,
Get up on the top , run faster , dream bigger , live better than you ever live,
This is in you ,
You can do this ,
Do it for yourself,
Prove it for yourself.
when you stand up , you gonna be shove back down,
When you are down , you gonna be stepped on,
The advice to you doesn't come with lots of builds and whistles,
Its no secret,
You fall down , you stumbled ,
You get pushed , you land square on your face,
But every time that happens , you get back on your feet,
You just get up as faster as you can,
No matter how many times , you need to do it,
Remember this ,
Success has been in contagious to be defined,
as getting up one more time , when you bare knock down,
if experience taught me anything , nothing is free and live in easy,
life is hard , real hard , incredibly hard, you fail more often than you win,
Nobody is handing you anything ,
Its up to you , pump up your chest , stretch your neck and over come all the difficulties ,
the nasty , the mean , the unfair.
if you want more than what you have now!!
prove it ,
You wanna hear the best theory is , get out there and earn it,
Once you decide that , you wanna be there and won't stop pushing yourself until you get that,
That's how winners are made.
At the end of the day ,
Success is what we all want ,
We all wanna win and the race will be won ,
There is no question about that,
So come on,
Get up on the top , run faster , dream bigger , live better than you ever live,
This is in you ,
You can do this ,
Do it for yourself,
Prove it for yourself.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Change the program dynamically !!!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Document management server in web dynpro abap
Requirement : Based on different project types , we had to store any type of file in SAP . So i found the concept of DMS(document management server) where we can store any type of file But my problem was when i was doing this activity from SAP GUI document number was generating and document was getting stored in DMS using BAPI BAPI_DOCUMENT_CREATE2 but from Web dynpro it was not getting updated so what i did is below :
FILE UPLOAD UI element in webdynpro takes the file from presentation server (desktop) and convert it to hexadecimal format...after that we have convert into binary format.

FILE UPLOAD UI element in webdynpro takes the file from presentation server (desktop) and convert it to hexadecimal format...after that we have convert into binary format.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
we don't eat our nails!! How come ^^
Oblivion is the word which can define most of us , how many time we meet people and remember their names or remember what they do? My typical answer would be 10 out of 100. First time i met this girl at the time of starting of my professional carrier , Audacity and fascinating were the two words which clicked in my mind but stream of arrogance and non-approachability were also flowing to me , as a result i completely ignored her . We did our training together and we were as good friends as the thakur and gabbar of shole (movie) ....if you are not satisfied with the depth of our friendship , best example would be that we were out 4 who actually failed 2 times in our training exams and after that also we fought.... the future of our job was dependent on the 3rd attempt and somehow we managed to clear that....delhi project was allocated to me and my happiness was flying in sky like a kite but as they say if your time is not good , your teeth can be broken down eating banana...same thing happened to me...later i was asked to Raipur and no wonder , again the vamp of my situation was the same girl... if i say till today i am living her destiny , i won't be wrong.......................................................................i think 2 and half months back again i got the opportunity to meet her , and the reason was nobody in my team really like me so thought of meeting some other people and i had no other option to talk to her as she was the only person to whom i know comparatively other than my team. Gradually i realized she is not as bad as i used to think like a vamp of movie ( lalita panwar) .....i can remember when she told me 'i don't like people who don't have any ambitions'....that was really impressive , that was time when i decided to come out of IS and whole credit goes to GOD , nag dada and this girl.....i have an habit of biting nails as the result i have very small nails but i saw her biting , thought i am not alone and we not bite our nail , its way of deep thinking :) i think we are good enough friends but they say there is always scope to improve the perfection so in the same fashion still trying to know her....... i am very poor in praising the next person verbally and in writing too so might be i am rude at some point of time but wishing her best of luck for her great great future and thanking her very much being my friend.
Rahul Gupta
Rahul Gupta
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My mood is not good to fit in the office's cubical and we are going total, i asked to my dear friend ABC...she replied , "hmmmm". I seriously didn't know what does
it mean 'hmmmm'? yes or no....anyways we were heading towards the total and our legs were not good enough to reach there so it was quite obvious to arrange some seats
on which we can place our butts and give some rest to our most hard working part of our body.....don't understand why girls always believe to spend so much of money without
any reasonable reason...finally we were in total mall and this time i was expecting to do some shopping for myself but this girl did not give me the chance to open my mouth... as she just entered into one of the good looking showroom and start searching suits for herself.....very soon i realized better to have a seat because i knew its gonna take long by one see was inspecting the dresses and asking how is it?... and i was replying accordingly....finally she was successful to choose 2 for herself and one for her friend....and she asked which one i should gift to her friend....somehow i smelled which one she was liking out i intensionaly gift this one which one she was liking..............This is time i came to know one more nature of girls....girls can be very possessive to her dresses..and they can push mount everest for them.....after much argument she bought only the dress which she liked and said she will gift this to her friend......i was happy , atleast this I WON that too a girl..which came to me like unexpected surprise....
We came out of the shop.....i said "chal coffee pete hain" ...she replied..."yaar maan nhi hai"
i insisted........we are sitting in CCD....we ordered as per our tastes......suddenly what i was seeing ..ganga and yamuna were there is her eyes...... i wanted to laugh but couldn't as situation demanded that way.... ...almost entering into her face ..i asked with confusing smile"kya hua?".....she replied "kuch nhi".... i said "kuch to hua hoga"........she said "kuch bhe nhi"..... i preferred to keep my mouth shut......after some time..."yaar wo suit mere ko he lena hai..mai koi gift nhi kar rhi".....i started laughing and said for that only you were in the ocean of tears....ok fine no problem you can keep it but don't be sad.........this way i realized body can predict girls....:) :P
it mean 'hmmmm'? yes or no....anyways we were heading towards the total and our legs were not good enough to reach there so it was quite obvious to arrange some seats
on which we can place our butts and give some rest to our most hard working part of our body.....don't understand why girls always believe to spend so much of money without
any reasonable reason...finally we were in total mall and this time i was expecting to do some shopping for myself but this girl did not give me the chance to open my mouth... as she just entered into one of the good looking showroom and start searching suits for herself.....very soon i realized better to have a seat because i knew its gonna take long by one see was inspecting the dresses and asking how is it?... and i was replying accordingly....finally she was successful to choose 2 for herself and one for her friend....and she asked which one i should gift to her friend....somehow i smelled which one she was liking out i intensionaly gift this one which one she was liking..............This is time i came to know one more nature of girls....girls can be very possessive to her dresses..and they can push mount everest for them.....after much argument she bought only the dress which she liked and said she will gift this to her friend......i was happy , atleast this I WON that too a girl..which came to me like unexpected surprise....
We came out of the shop.....i said "chal coffee pete hain" ...she replied..."yaar maan nhi hai"
i insisted........we are sitting in CCD....we ordered as per our tastes......suddenly what i was seeing ..ganga and yamuna were there is her eyes...... i wanted to laugh but couldn't as situation demanded that way.... ...almost entering into her face ..i asked with confusing smile"kya hua?".....she replied "kuch nhi".... i said "kuch to hua hoga"........she said "kuch bhe nhi"..... i preferred to keep my mouth shut......after some time..."yaar wo suit mere ko he lena hai..mai koi gift nhi kar rhi".....i started laughing and said for that only you were in the ocean of tears....ok fine no problem you can keep it but don't be sad.........this way i realized body can predict girls....:) :P
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Working with radio button in module pool :P
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
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